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EMMS offers total solutions for measuring, monitoring, and recording of physiological parameters in laboratory subjects. We have over 15 years of expertise in many models: In-Vivo and In-Vitro, Pulmonary and Cardiovascular. Our services include consultation, installation, training and in-service support.

This website summarises our current list of applications and products. However, if you can't see what you are looking for, we are happy to work with you to develop new applications and techniques to suit your requirements. Please contact us for more information.

Items of Interest:

Fleisch Pneumotachograph Range

Wright Dust Feeder

eSpira™ Forced Oscillatory Mechanics

PLY 110X Tail-Out Whole-Body Plethysmograph

Vilnius Dry Powder Aerosol Generator

TPM 100 Total Particulate Matter Transducer

AMP 110 - Adaptive Amplifier

TPF 103 Decontamination Resistant Pressure Transducer


 EMMS Solutions  
eSpira™ Forced Manoeuvres
Resistance and Compliance
Whole Body Plethysmography
Head-Out Plethysmography
Double Chamber Plethysmography
Cardiac Action Potential
ECG Monitoring
Custom Solutions

(c) EMMS
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